On 23 March 2023, the MRD participatied in the meeting of the Sub-committee for energy, environment, transport, and regional development, where, among other things, the MRD presented the achievements and the challenges faced during a year of work before the European Commission and the EU Office in Kosovo.
At the meeting, the MRD was represented by Mr. Arbnor Sadiku, Head of the Division for European Integration/DEIPC, who reported the progress achieved by MRD in the following areas:
Implementation of the Strategy for Regional Development 2020-2030 and the drafting and approval of the New Action Plan 2023-2025;
Reporting on the progress related to the first reading in the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo, of the Draft Law on Balanced Regional Development;
Raising the capacities of MRD officials related to the implementation of policies for regional development;
Reporting on Kosovo's application as well as submission of Kosovo's request for support from the European Commission to become part of the Euro-MED, Adrion, and Danube trans-national programs.
At the end of the video conference of the Sub-committee for energy, environment, transport, and regional development, Mr. Sadiku offered continued cooperation on behalf of the MRD regarding the work of the sub-committee.