Within the YENI project co-financed by the Ministry of Regional Development and the Swiss Caritas Office in Kosovo, on 18 October 2023 the representatives of Applicative Research Solutions "ARS", in front of the representatives of the financing partners of the project, the representatives of four NGOs that were implementing partners in 17 municipalities and 60 schools in Kosovo and some coordinators of the Eco Clubs of the schools that have applied to the said project, presented the findings related to the initial report for the mid-term evaluation of the Youth Environmental Impact (YENI) project.
The purpose of this activity was to present the progress so far and recommendations on how to maximize the potential for achieving the intended results of the project in question (01/01/2022 – 31/12/2024).
The activity was declared open by the Project Coordinator from the Swiss Caritas, Mr. Bardh Xërxa, who, among other things, expressed his gratitude to all the actors, in particular to the Ministry of Regional Development, while on behalf of the MRD, Mr. Shani Hamitaga, authorized by the ministry for project evaluations and monitoring, greeted the participants.
The representatives from Applicative Research Solutions "ARS" ,who have a long experience in evaluations, have declared that in their entire career they have never had the opportunity to evaluate any project with positive results such as the YENI project, and as evidence they have presented the findings from the field, which after today's meeting they will summarize in a final report with which they will inform us, the financing partners, MRD and Swiss Caritas.
After the presentation of the findings, the entire material was analyzed and an interactive discussion was held by all present with proposals aimed at increasing motivation and achieving the intended results.