
Mbahet takimi i rregullt i Komitetit të Auditimit të Brendshëm në MZHR

Deputy Minister Mr. Ali Tafarshiki visited the Municipality of North Mitrovica

Deputy Minister Mr. Eldin Uglari met the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania in Kosovo

Minister of Regional Development Mr. Fikrim Damka participated in the Kosovo-Turkey Business Forum organized by DEİK

Minister of Regional Development Mr. Fikrim Damka meets with Ambassador Mr. Mentor Latifi and several associations of engineers and entrepreneurs operating in Switzerland.

Monister of Regional Development Mr. Fikrim Damka meets with senior officials of the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) in Bern, Switzerland

Minister of Regional Development Fikrim Damka visits the Principality of Liechtenstein

Deputy Minister Mr. Tafarshiku visits the Chamber of Entrepreneurs and Craftsmen in Prizren

Minister of Regional Development Fikrim Damka meets the network of Albanian businesses in central Switzerland, Lucerne

Minister of Regional Development Fikrim Damka makes an official visit to Switzerland

Within the framework of the YENI project, the Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with the Caritas Switzerland in Kosovo engaged the Members of the Evaluation Jury of the second edition for the "Dervish Rozhaja" Environmental Award.

MRD and the EU Office in Kosovo discuss possible cooperation in the future.

The Ministry of Regional Development delivers a briefing session on the "Balanced Regional Development Program 2024" (BRDP 2024).

The Minister of Regional Development, Mr. Fikrim Damka, as part of his official visit to the Republic of Turkey, visited factories operating in the field of industry.

Njoftim për mbajtjen e sesionit informues për PZHRB 2024

The MRD carries out the second day of the visit to the ceremony of contract signing with the beneficiaries of the NGOs Draft Proposals for 2024

The MRD delegation concludes the official visit to Croatia.

MRD performs the contract signing ceremony with the beneficiaries of the Draft Proposals of NGOs for 2024.

Minister of Regional Development Mr. Fikrim Damka visited the municipality of Gjilan and met with the Mayor Mr. Alban Hyseni

MRD representatives are staying for an official visit to Croatia

Minister of Regional Development, Mr. Fikrim Damka, held a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yozgatlıgil of the Republic of Turkey.

Njoftim: Ministria e Zhvillimit Rajonal(MZHR) njofton të gjithë aplikantët potencial se nga data 15.05.2024 lanson thirrjen për propozime Programi për Zhvillim Rajonal të Balancuar PZHRB 2024. Aplikimi bëhet përmes platformës e-kosova. Udhëzimin për aplikantë mund ti gjeni në uebfaqen e MZHR-së.

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with the Swiss Caritas inaugurated the environmental project of the "Dardania" High School in Hani i Elezit, winner of the competition for the second-place award "Dervish Rozhaja" 2023.

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with the Swiss Caritas carried out the Inauguration of the Environmental Project of the "28 Nentori" Technical High School in Prishtina.

MZHR dhe BERZH diskutojnë lidhur me bashkëpunimin e mundshëm në të ardhmen.

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with the Caritas Switzerland carried out the Inauguration of the Environmental project of the High School "Kuvendi i Lezhës" in Viti.

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with the Caritas Switzerland carried out the Inauguration of the Environmental projects of the "Zenel Hajdini" and "Mehmet Isai" High Schools in Gjilan.

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with Caritas Switzerland inaugurated the environmental project of the Vocational High School "Kujtim Krasniqi" in Malisheva, winner of the competition for the first place award "Dervish Rozhaja" 2023.

Minister of Regional Development Mr. Fikrim Damka participated in the opening ceremony of the International Technopark.

MRD and JICA discuss possible future cooperation

MRD and GIZ discuss possible future cooperation

Official visit of the Ministry of Regional Development to "Haxhi Zeka" University in Peja

Deputy Minister of MRD, Mr. Ali Tafarshiku, meets the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Kosovo Mrs. Danijela Barisic

Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in partnership with UN-Habitat Kosovo supported by Swedish Embassy organized conference "Getting creative about regional development"

Conference “Getting creative about regional development” ends

The Ministry of Regional Development holds a consultative meeting with businesses operating in the Eastern Region.

The Ministry of Regional Development holds a working meeting with the Mayor of the municipality of Gjilan.

The Ministry of Regional Development holds a consultative meeting with businesses operating in the Eastern Region.

The Ministry of Regional Development holds a work meeting with the Mayor of the municipality of Shtime.

The Ministry of Regional Development holds consultative meetings with businesses operating in the Central Region.

The Ministry of Regional Development holds a consultative meeting with businesses operating in the South Region.

The Minister of MDR, Mr Fikrim Damka, today, on 28 March 2024, hosted the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, Mr Yasin Ekrem Serim.

Ministry of Regional Development holds a consultative meeting with businesses operating in the North Region

The Ministry of Regional Development holds a consultative meeting with businesses operating in the West Region

The Ministry of Regional Development supports diaspora investments

The Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Mamusha within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024 The Minister of the Ministry of Regional

Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Vushtrri within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Ferizaj within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Pristina within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024.

Ministria e Zhvillimit Rajonal nderon gjitha gratë me rastin e 8 Marsit

Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Drenas within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Partes within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Peja within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

Ministria e Zhvillimit Rajonal nënshkruan Marrëveshjen e Mirëkuptimit me komunën përfituese të Rahovecit në kuadër të Programit për Zhvillim Rajonal PZHR 2024

Minister Mr. Damka hosts the new Deputy Minister of Regional Development Mr. Elldin Uglari

Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Mr. Ali Tafarshiku, attended the “Women in Business” Roundtable

MRD Minister Mr. Fikrim Damka and the Mayor of the capital Mr. Perparim Rama visit the Palace of Youth

Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Istog within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with the Swiss Caritas inaugurate the Environmental Project of the High School "Gjimnazi ULPIANA" in Lipjan

The Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Skenderaj within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

Minister of Regional Development Mr. Damka visited the municipality of Rahovec

The Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Prizren within the framework of the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

Deputy Minister of Regional Development Mr. Ali Tafarshiku pays an official visit to Plavë

The Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Mr. Ali Tafarshiku, hosted the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, Mr. Besart Kadia.

The Ministry of Regional Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary Municipality of Shtime within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024.

A meeting was held between the MRD officials and the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (UASF).

The Ministry of Regional Development signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary Municipality of Suhareka within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024.

The Ministry of Regional Development Supports Diaspora Investments

Deputy Minister of Regional Development Mr. Ali Tafarshiku makes an official visit to Lezhë

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) in cooperation with the Swiss Caritas carried out the Inauguration of the Environmental Project of the High School “Specialized Mathematical Gymnasium” in Prishtina.

The Ministry of Regional Development signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary municipality of Kaçanik within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

The Ministry of Regional Development signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the beneficiary Municipality of Klina within the Regional Development Program RDP 2024

The Ministry of Regional Development (MZHR), in collaboration with Caritas Switzerland, inaugurated the Environmental Project of the “Remzi Ademaj” Upper Secondary School in Prizren.

The Ministry of Regional Development (MRD) held its first regular meeting with the Internal Audit Committee for 2024.

Ministry of Regional Development signs a Cooperation Agreement with “Ukshin Hoti” University in Prizren

The Minister of MRD, Mr. Fikrim Damka, received the Coordinator of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency, TIKA, in Pristina, Mrs. Fulya Aslan.

Deputy Minister of Regional Development Mr. Ali Tafarshiku made an official visit to Tropoja

The Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Mr. Ali Tafarshiku, made an official visit to the Municipality of Has

The Deputy Minister of Regional Development Mr. Ali Tafarshiku met the Ambassador of the Republic of Albania Prof. Petrit Malaj.